Eurbanities 2.0 is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership in innovation for Adult Education. The partnership is composed by organization based in Austria, Germany, Poland, Romania, Italy and Sweden.
The main objective of Eurbanities 2.0, is to empower citizens, civic organisations, young people, professionals and representatives of local authorities for being actively engaged in the equitable and sustainable development of urban neighbourhoods in European cities, through the use of a game-based learning tool.
Eurbanities 2.0 is willing to become a direct follow-up of the former Eurbanities project finalized in 2018 in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme. More concretely, Eurbanities 2.0. will create the second part of the Eurbania game and curriculum prepared in the first project, by picking up the process of citizen participation at the point where it has stopped in the first part of the game. Eurbanities part 1 was concentrating on the process of how citizens acknowledge the need of their active involvement for the socially inclusive and sustainable development of their neighbourhood, how they analyse their situation, their objectives and the possible tools of their intervention and finally, how they build their communities and how they become active partners of the local authorities and other stakeholders for engaging real social change in the neighbourhoods. The „happy end” of Eurbania game has opened up the perspective of a process where citizens, stakeholders and local authorities are equally engaged into the creation of a socially equitable and sustainable neighbourhood.
You can learn more about the project on the Eurbanities website
Download the tools and practices for citizens’ participation in European Cities
Download the good practices in citizens’ participation during the Covid-19 lockdown