In a joint project called FUNKTEK – co-creative museum development – we will collaborate together with Göteborgs Stadsmuseum, Utopias and The Interactive Institute Göteborg. The project will develop new methods according to co-creation and participatory experiences especially focusing on people with certain needs and their part in developing cities. Changemaker will act as Mistra Urban Futures representative and be responsible for dissemination and research. The project will be running during 2014-2016.
More detailed info:
“Funktek is a co-creative design project targeting museums and people with special needs, funded by The Swedish Inheritance Fund Commission. The aim of the project is to design and develop new forms of experiences for specific target groups through a user centered design process. Through this work the project wants to enable more people to take part in the museum activities and exhibitions. The project asks how technology in museums can be used to enhance participation and democracy, how can people with special needs experience museum exhibitions and work on equal terms, and how this form of work can lead to sustainable urban development and more democratic urban environments. Together with a broad group of young people with different special needs the project wants to answer the questions. On a practical level the project will explore, design and develop new technologies that will work in a museum context, and that can be spread nationally and internationally. The project Funktek is managed by the Göteborg City Museum in cooperation with Utopias, Mistra Urban Futures, Changemaker AB, The Swedish Exhibition Agency and Interactive Institute Swedish ICT.”