GARDENS as inclusive Green Learning places


Gardens as inclusive Green learning places is an Erasmus+ project for Adults Education

Urban gardening has the potential to turn the growing number of consumers into conscious producers by raising awareness of natural resource cycles and contributing to environmental conservation and climate change mitigation. 

Urban gardening, and particularly community activities, can also encourage lifelong learning among adults, especially low-skilled unemployed, persons with disabilities, and socially excluded or jobless individuals, who risk being marginalized by society.

GARDENS expects all participants to be more conscious of the role community gardens have in teaching and engagement of socially marginalised adult learners (migrants, people with disabilities, people with lower education, elderly) in an inclusive setting. We expect them to be ready to share their new knowledge, teach and encourage others and get involved.

In identifying new methods we expect the participants to become curious and be motivated to enrol in lifelong learning. Lifelong learning in general strengthens the feeling that everybody can succeed and everybody is worthy and capable. It also helps the staff of the partner organisation to motivate the marginalised target audience to do so since making learning fun with new tools and methods motivates and encourages involvement.

The project will stimulate the active participation of community gardens and similar initiatives in inclusive adult education. In this way, many local initiatives might for the first time realise and be motivated to review, describe and formalise their educational offer, as it is in many cases understood instead as a side activity. The impact on the local level will be magnified by the extensive local networks of all partners and on the policy level by the participation of the city administration of Krakow. This will strengthen local community gardens and marginalised groups by providing a more structured and improved educational offer, opening more gardens to those groups.

GARDENS as Inclusive Green Learning Space – Poster

Gardens eBook Summary (PDF)

GARDENS – Inclusive Approaches to Community Gardening & Green Learning Spaces (PDF)

GARDENS as Inclusive Green Learning Space – leaflet