

Unlocking impact: the Unicorn path to engage with your audience

The Unicorn book helps you finding new ways to make impact


The first Newsletter for the Leadfarm 5.0 project has been released

Last news from the project and the new challenges the agri-food sector is facing


Unicorn: how to communicate your uniqueness

Final meeting for the Unicorn - Erasmus+ project in Gothenburg


Clim@venture: Storytelling

At the end of November, we met in Italy with our project partners and we learned about media competencies and storytelling.


Eurbanities 2.0: empowering citizens

Eurbanities 2.0 is an Erasmus+ project aiming at empowering citizens for being actively engaged in the development of equitable and sustainable European urban neighbourhoods.


Circular Skills: a guide on how to teach circular economy

Circular Skills is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership in innovation for VET. CM is the leading partner and is collaborating with other organizations based in Germany, Finland, Italy, Poland and Slovakia.


Making the city accessible for all

As part of the project FUNKTEK, aimed at making Göteborgs Stadsmuseum more accessible, Per Myrén at Changemaker was interviewed about making the whole city of Gothenburg more accessible for people with different functional variations.


Permind: Green pre-rehabilitation

"It's not just the garden that interests me but the combination of what nature, animals and gardens can do for us as people," says Maja Riise.


Echo enthusiasm, circular economy and green tours

In the middle of this, in Berlin, you find Claudi Sult, German echo enthusiast, green entrepreneur and digital nomad. But for the moment trying to start up in Melbourne, Australia.


Applying permaculture in the recovery process of people with mental illness

Gardening has been found to have a positive effect on our mental health and well-being, with the use of gardens as a therapeutic intervention becoming a more common practice.