Clim@venture – Innovative missions to reach the 1.5 Degree climate goal is an Erasmus+ co-funded project for Schools.
Partners in the project are Energieagentur Ebersberg-München (Germany), Italia che Cambia (Italy) and Forum ViA (Austria)
In the clim@venture project, we will develop a digital youth-exchange program that fosters action-oriented climate education in schools. Our clim@venture will provide virtual learning journeys and student mobility. Our partners also bring a lot of experience with gamification, storytelling and adventure-based, transformative learning that will guarantee an unforgettable learning journey experience with blended learning elements. Towards this goal, we will e.g. offer a series of trans-European online-exchanges, local micro-adventures and experiences where participants virtually visit and interact with one another to become climate reporters. They will share their passion and learnings about sustainability /climate protection and get new ideas from their peers on how to contribute to the 1.5 climate goals of the Paris agreement as active European citizens.
In order to make the youth exchange and clim@ventures work we will develop innovative project outputs (Project results).
Our four main activities will follow transformative design principles. These will guarantee the success of transformative learning and – after being tested in 4 school classes in 4 countries – can be transferred to other school classes in other countries. There are four major activities which will be implemented through the program:
PR 1: teaching 4 transformation: development of a clim@venture curriculum for adventure-based transformative education.
PR 2: video box 4 transformation: the making of didactic audio-visual learning material (at least 5 theoretical videos and at least 5 tutorials) which cover the different aspects within our 5 modules (e.g. climate science, storytelling, media , social media and journalism
PR 3: digitools 4 transformation: Compilation of digital tools in a database of pre-existing digital material that we collect from various sources from all four partner countries in support of the clim@venture project:
PR 4: guide 4 transformation: setting up a project guide for trainers – instruction and training on how to use our digitools compilation, audio-visual learning material and the curriculum in practice.