In 2016, Changemaker, as a partner, was part of starting two new EU projects. These were ToTCOOP+i (innovation and education within the European agricultural cooperatives) and DIGITac (Digitally Crafting New Communities of Practices – a digitalization and business development project).
TOTCOOP+i is a strategic partnership for educational innovation for European agricultural cooperatives. The partnership is conducted within the framework of a two-year EU project (Erasmus +). The project aims to promote an innovative culture among the members of the cooperative boards while at the same time promoting women’s and young people’s access to cooperative enterprises. We are responsible for both the development of the digital learning platform as well as for a series of training workshops with Swedish agriculture and urban farming cooperatives.
DIGITac (Digitally Crafting New Communities of Practices) is a network of three local EU communities dedicated to traditional textile handwork and artisanship; digitally crafting practices for new communities online. The partnership is implemented within the framework of a two-year EU project (Creative Europe) where four partners from three countries (Sweden, Italy, Estonia) will cooperate to increase the digital skills of craftsmen and artists. The aim is that a deeper digital knowledge will lead to new business models and audiences for these communities.