See the movie – as documentation Urban Games has produced a documentary (in swedish): Urban Games – the movie
Since january 2011 Per Myrén works as a consultant for GR Utbildning and project manager in a project called Urban Games. It’s about common learning for sustainable development. It’s about Gaming and Visualization for Sustainable Urban Transformation. Per has been in charge of the two subprojects and tools from the project: the Ipad game 2021 and the lightweight visualization tool UrbaniaBeta. The project is on of five pilot projects at Mistra Urban Futures.
Through Urban Games Changemaker dealt and used the methods and mechanics of game and fun and the easy going lightweight visualization in urban planning processes. The main statement to use ICT-tools (Information and Communication Technology-tools) in utilizing is that it is not a technical problem, it is a change management and process challenge – how to design change processes and how to use the proper ICT-methods according to the main objectives and the needs, skills and competencies of the end-users, the target groups?
Some of the participants in the project are The Centre of Visualization, City of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology.
Read more at Mistra Urban Futures.